API Reference


To ensure secure communication with our API, authentication using your TipTop API Keys is required for every request. You can easily access your API keys within the TipTop Merchant Portal (opens in a new tab).

curl https://api.tiptop.com/api/v1/orders/
     -X POST
     -u {public_api_key}:{private_api_key}
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Distinct Keys for Sandbox and Production Environments: TipTop utilizes separate API keys for sandbox testing and live orders. This ensures a secure and controlled development process.

Guarding Your API Keys: Since your API keys grant access to TipTop's systems, treat them with the utmost care. Avoid sharing them publicly and store them securely.

Including Your API Keys in Calls: Every request you make to the TipTop API requires including your appropriate API key. You can conveniently view and manage your keys within the TipTop Merchant Portal (opens in a new tab).